Thursday, November 28, 2019

Explosion free essay sample

Topic Sentence Imo the Norwegian Ship should be blamed most for this incident, for being in too much of hurry, not following sea rules, and the stubbornness of the ship’s captain. EvidenceProof/Quote/Fact/Research| Explain the relevance of this evidence to your thesis statement. How does it support your overall argument? | SOURCE CITATION(Where did you get itfrom? )| Twice the captain of the ship of the Imo Avoided other vessels by passing there starboard side (wrong side). | The captain is already not following the rules of the sea, how do we know it was not completely the Norwegian ships fault. http://thecanadian encyclopedia. com/featured/the-Halifax-explosions | The Imo was 18 hours behind Schedule and Mont Blanc was aSitting duck outside, and Pilot Mont Blanc was astonished to see the Imo advancing at high speeds. | The ship was in a rush to get tothe destination and was speedingon purpose so it could arrive quickerbut the plan had backfired when they saw the other ship in the path they had been taking. We will write a custom essay sample on Explosion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page | â€Å"Halifax Explosion1917. † Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online school edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. , 2013. Web 1 Apr. 2013lt;http://school. eb. om/eb/Article-94438247gt;| There was a flurry of whistles Between the two ships the Norwegian ship did not changeDirection until final moments. | This caused the accident because if they weren’t going the wrong way and wrong speed we could have prevented this from happening And losing so many lives. | http://thecanadian encyclopedia. com/featured/the-Halifax-explosions| ARGUMENT #2 Topic Sentence

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Art of the Steal by Frank Abagnale.

The Art of the Steal by Frank Abagnale. Mr. Abagnale is known as one of the world's most respectful authorities on check fraud, embezzlement and secure documents. He has developed new procedures and created manuals and educations programs utilized by over 14,000 financial institutions, law enforcement agencies and corporations. He is most famous for the recent film success Catch Me if You Can, which was about his life in crime, Mr. Abagnale said he wrote the book more than 23 years ago and it was written from his perspective as a 16 year old. The movie over dramatized and exaggerated some of the story. He is married for over 25 years and now has 3 sons. He considers his past immoral, unethical and illegal. He turned the bad into the good and now has a multi million consulting firm.Leonardo DiCaprio and the real Frank Abagnale.Mr. Abagnale was the subject of the best selling book, "Catch Me If You Can" and the author of "The Art of the Steal". I shall review the second of the two, "The Art of the Stea"l, specifically, check fraud.The book starts out with a story of a young woman who had her identity stolen. Her social security number, address and phone number with her driver license were all used in the purchase of a new truck, several thousands in credit cards charges, and even a warrant for her arrest for marijuana.Mr. Abagnale had passed over $2.5 million dollars in bad checks through out all fifty states and in twenty six countries, all before he was of age to drink. He had the "distinction" of becoming one of the most hunted criminals by the FBI.His was caught by the French police when he was 21 and spent six months in a French prison, where he was extradited to Sweden and served another six months for...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Corporate Social Responsibility of the German Soccer Bundesliga Dissertation

The Corporate Social Responsibility of the German Soccer Bundesliga - Dissertation Example Center of discussion in this paper is corporate social responsibility (CSR) that is of increasing communal concern and is one of important parts of contemporary corporate sustainability on the industry, community and study schedule. It is of specific significance for business management, and this can be considered in the rising control it has achieved in the management field. CSR is generally viewed within a perceptive of business being a component of the social order. CSR tests associations to openly explain their business principles, recognize beliefs of their shareholders, and incorporate it to help the public. In the present day, international businesses are seriously involved in the debate of improvement, as well as execution of CSR; an outcome of it having the possibility to present strategic path to executives who would like to boost their group’s performance, as well as competitiveness. Nonetheless, CSR obtains small precise consideration in the arena of sports adminis tration, as well as sports promotion. Having noticed the spectacular professionalization of a number of sports - specifically football - during the past two decades, it is currently an industry by itself without any doubt. As a result, games managers are required to be completely evaluated and coping with expansions within the broader world of the ‘socio-political-economical’ setting just like corporate managers within other businesses are increasingly following and connecting with shareholders, as well as their â€Å"increasing range of interests†... CSR is generally viewed within a perceptive of business being a component of the social order. CSR tests associations to openly explain their business principles, recognize beliefs of their shareholders, and incorporate it to help the public. In the present day, international businesses are seriously involved in the debate of improvement, as well as execution of CSR; an outcome of it having the possibility to present strategic path to executives who would like to boost their group’s performance, as well as competitiveness. Nonetheless, CSR obtains small precise consideration in the arena of sports administration, as well as sports promotion. Having noticed the spectacular professionalization of a number of sports - specifically football - during the past two decades, it is currently an industry by itself without any doubt. As a result, games managers are required to be completely evaluated and coping with expansions within the broader world of the ‘socio-political-econom ical’ setting just like corporate managers within other businesses are increasingly following and connecting with shareholders, as well as their â€Å"increasing range of interests† (Werther, 2010, p. 33). 1.1.1 Role of Football in the Society In a number of countries, football has rooted itself into the national culture, and various parts of life revolve around it. Several countries have regular and dedicated football newspapers and other football periodicals. The ‘frame of mind’ of nations has been appeared to be linked to football. Success in a key tournament can bring joy to the local district or nation. On the other hand, defeat can lower the morale and has been noticed to be linked to mortality of the people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Childhood studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Childhood studies - Essay Example The approach postulated by Aries was later amplified and to some extent misinterpreted by intellectuals who noticed the appalling characteristics of the pre-modern childhood. For instance, the increased death rates, harsh discipline muted to the children, and the idea of child labour. Additionally, some patterns were observed to be surrounding the childhood concept. For example, societal naming system that derives names of the dead in naming newborn children. Indeed, the system was a cavalier approach to the death of the infants and individuality of the children (Stearns, 2005, p.4). Morrison (2012, p.28) argues that in the attempt to find answers to the overarching problems that face the children in the contemporary world, there is a need to focus on the academic works. The global history of children adds to the advancement of the conditions of numerous children in today’s world. Professors and scholars can greatly inspire their learners to focus care on the rights of children, provide critical thinking perspectives and problem-solving techniques as a necessity to turn care into actions. Essentially, global childhood historians can serve the purpose of consultancy for policy-makers and activists who seek the parallels of history regarding children issues. Further, historians can trace the root causes of the problems that faced children including child labour and violence. Therefore, the disadvantaged and destitute children must not receive blame for existing conditions. Scholars, for example, Shulamith Shahar critiqued and proved wrong Aries’ theory that childhood had no abode in the medieval world. In his book Childhood in the Middle Ages, Shahar claims that the theory postulated by Aries is erroneous since no community can physically survive in the absence of child nurturing traditions, channels of knowledge transmission, and rich avenues for the young to socialize. Further, Shahar maintains that just because the middle-aged children were involved in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cooperative learning groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Cooperative learning groups - Essay Example The researcher states that scholars, educators, and school officials have become more and more interested in students’ performance in mathematics. Several studies have reported that, starting from middle school, girls are prone to develop more unconstructive attitudes towards math and score low on standardized exams. Moreover, a significant relationship has been found between performance and attitudes. Certain factors that are associated with performance of students in math comprise learning experiences, sense of belongingness, racial or ethnic affiliation, gender, self-worth, stereotyping and attitudes. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics claimed that instruction, competent educators, high expectations and equity should be awarded to every learner. By doing so, performance of students in math has a better chance to progress. The topics crucial for every student are usually included in Geometry, Algebra I and Algebra II subjects. However, only 62 percent of the overall population of high school graduates in 2000 finished three years of math in a manner that successfully introduced them to this integral content. This figure implies that students are not gaining the knowledge and proficiency they should possess to perform well in the world outside schooling. In fact, of roughly 70% pupils who promptly advance to college, approximately 28% should enroll in refresher or remedial programs in math or English. Moreover, a significant number of fourth grade and eight grade students poorly performed in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2003. (DiMaggio, 2001, p. 5). Every state that participated in the NAEP 4th grade math assessment test in 2000 and 2003 reported improvements in mean scores. Among the states that participated in the NAEP 8th grade assessment test in 2000 and 2003, the mean scores improved in numerous states (DiMaggio, 2001, p. 5). In a nutshell, the mean scores at all grade levels improved. Such progress is inspirin g and rewarding but the scores still show the unsatisfactory outcome of collaborative attempts to greatly improve the performance of all students. To sum up, the performance of students in math is not where they should be when measured up to the nation’s standards, the achievement levels of their international counterparts and their capacity to function well beyond high school (Strebe, 2009). The nation needs individuals that is capable of performing in the contemporary world, which implies that new teaching and learning strategies are needed to achieve the desired outcomes in math and other major subjects. Cooperative Learning Groups Learning has traditionally been focused on ‘competition’, hence, the emergence of cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a model of instruction where small groups composed of learners of distinct capability levels team up to achieve common objectives and take full advantage of their potentials. Cooperative learning facilitate s individual responsibility within the framework of cooperation or group dynamics (Williams, 2002). Teamwork is an important component of the attainment of learning objectives of the course. In the context of cooperative learning, the learning is planned and organized to ensure that learning is actually occurring (Kagan, 1994). The teacher picks the groups to think about a multitude of perspectives, capabilities, ethnic/racial affiliations, gender and other attributes. Furthermore, cooperative learning builds a classroom partnership and harmonizes individual responsibility and interdependence. Because the task of the group is incomplete until every member has accurately and clearly understood the topic, every student is contributing to the attainment of a shared objective. With every student accountable to a specific part of the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cloning the Putative Cancer Suppressor Gene GALNT9

Cloning the Putative Cancer Suppressor Gene GALNT9 Introduction The aim of this project is to clone the putative cancer suppressor gene GALNT9, it is a follow on from research by (pangeni et al. 2015) who previously found that this gene isnt expressed in breast cancers that metastasise to the brain. It was also discovered that when GALNT9 was knocked out of normal cells they appeared to become more cancerous. What is being tested here is whether a cloned GALNT9 can be expressed in cells that do not naturally express it in order to prevent or inhibit the development of cancer. This is an important discovery in the development of cancer therapies and preventative measures because metastasis is the single most common cause of cancer-related death. It also should be noted that metastatic breast cancer is commonly found in the brain, which is a guaranteed killer. It is interesting that breast cancers do metastasise in the way because of the complex and well-protected channels that must be used to enter the brain. This suggests that the metastasis occurs for a reason and that the cancerous cells have been developed specifically to metastasise to the brain.       Literature review A cells physiology is maintained by complex dynamic processes that control overall gene expression in the intracellular molecular pathways. cancer progression and metastasis can be caused by the induction of redirected gene regulatory circuits which is often caused by cytogenetic mutations however can also be initiated by non-genetic factors including trauma. Some of these non-genetic factors that can cause cancerisation are mutations in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. When the extracellular matrix increases in stiffness, there appears to be an increase in cell transformation and in cancer cell invasion (Feller, Khammissa, and Lemmer, 2017). Metastasis is the dissemination of neoplastic cancer cells to a secondary site or organ separate from the primary site. For example, if one is diagnosed with breast cancer which then spreads to the brain, this is known as a metastatic growth. Cancer of the brain that has spread in this manner is called metastatic breast cancer as opposed to brain cancer. Metastasis is the single most common cancer-related cause of death. The complex process of metastasis is the least known aspect of cancer biology and research into it is highly current and relevant. There are different oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes (TMGs) and metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) that can inhibit the metastatic potential and invasive ability of cancerous cells (Efferth, 2009). Metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) are proteins or molecules that are grouped into this class of genes so based on their ability to influence and suppress metastasis. Little is known about these genes; however, it is known that they come from a range of different biological pathways (Yoshida, 2000). At the site of metastasis or the secondary site MSGs regulate the growth of tumours. There are over 30 confirmed MSGs although their individual functionality has not necessarily been confirmed. For example,   Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of cancer that is diagnosed by the expression of certain MSGs. The patients of this cancer often show a reduced expression of Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) which inhibits the invasive characteristics of a tumour (Frankenberger et al., 2015). It is known that different MSGs target different stages in the metastatic cascade, an interesting and potentially therapeutic find is that some MSGs promote dormancy at the secondary site. MSGs have little or no effect on the primary site however, metastasis frequently occurs before primary resection therefore if the cells are moving to a secondary site as dormant cells, there is an eliminated risk. Research into cloning these MSGs is ongoing with the intention that a successfully cloned MSG may have the capacity to suppress metastasis from a different part of the body. Questions are also being raised as to whether these MSGs can be expressed in a foreign environment and whether a previously active tumour can be returned to a dormant state (Murugaesu et al., 2012).   Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Market for Coors in South Delaware Essay -- Business Market Analysis

Q1). Currently, there is an opportunity for owning a Coors Distributorship in the southern Delaware counties of Sussex and Kent. Coors is a well-known brand name nationally, and retailers in the targeted area are willing to carry the product, which is an indication of pre-existing brand awareness and demand for Coors. It was necessary to obtain a feasibility study to project a possible profit or loss and $800,000 dollars will be needed for the initial investment. We believe the following decision criteria should be embraced by Larry to make his decision. Market Share - Since Coors will enter this market area for the first time, it is believed that market share will continue to grow as the brand becomes established over time and market share percentage should meet or surpass company market share percentage of 8.7% - 8.9% in the next three years. Larry Brownlow -Although Larry has many alternatives, (conduct no research, continue graduate school, invest trust money, conduct own research following completion of MBA, hold off on MBA to do research presently), obtaining his degree seems to be of utmost importance, as well as achieving success, sooner rather than later, in a self-owned business. Purchasing Research – Purchasing research may be costly, but the knowledge and insight it will provide is paramount. While Larry could surely conduct his own secondary data research for less than $15,000, a busy schedule and time constrain him. See research purchased in Q3. SWOT Analysis - The review of internal and external information provided by a SWOT analysis would provide Larry with information needed to make his decision. Strengths †¢ Owner has an MBA. .. he only has to acquire a 6.31% market share to break even. We feel that making the investment is the best option for his future. Overall Evaluation The investment is an excellent option because the probability of profit is very high. Based on our Pro-forma Income statement, profit will be substantial and will increase each year even after losing .2% of market share. Pessimistically, the market share to break even is very generous making 2.5% room for error if needed when tapping into a brand new market. The ability to make a high market share in the southern part of Delaware would be very substantial. Because it is a beer perceived to be higher class (study H) than its competitors, it will be introduced into a brand new market. See link below for all Exhibits: